When moving internationally there are lots of things to think about, not least how to get all of your treasured belongings to your new home. International removal companies are available to help make this part of the move as easy as possible. To assist you in your planning, Ants Removals have put together a checklist of things to think about when preparing for your big move.

At least three months before your move date

International removals are trickier business than domestic moves or standard office moves in that they require planning for a number of transportation legs of the journey. It is a good idea, then, to speak to international moving companies about how much space your stuff will need and when it will need to be packed up and picked up. Ants Removals are experienced in providing international removals UK and beyond, and are happy to help clients planning a move. It is often helpful to arrange a visit from one of the Ants Removals team, to get an idea about what support we can provide as one of the international moving companies UK.

Now is also good time to research your destination and any laws or regulations which might affect you or your family and your move. You may wish to seek financial planning or tax advice if the regulatory regime differs from that in your current home country. Consider taking language classes if you aren’t already comfortable in the language of your new home. Knowing the language can make integration easier, from household management to making new friends.

Think about any health and care needs you and your family may have when moving abroad. Research doctors, dentists and local hospitals, and take out medical insurance if required.

Two months before your move date

Now is a good time to think about booking space on freight carriers. If you have pets who are coming with you, you should also think about how they will be transported to your new home. Thinking about this a couple of months before you move will make sure you have time to build in longer lead ins for pick up of your stuff – it is cost-efficient to send belongings by sea, but that does mean that they will take longer to arrive than yourself and your family, if you are travelling by air.

It is also important to think about pets some time in advance because of the possibility that they may need to be in quarantine for a certain amount of time. You may wish to pack certain belongings up at this time and send them over in advance of your leaving the country. This process is something to discuss in your initial appointment with a member of the Ants Removals team.

Start thinking about winding up bills and direct debits, particularly those memberships or arrangements which can be difficult to cancel, such as the gym. Sorting out banking arrangements for when you arrive is a good idea, to avoid unnecessary stress closer to the day. Contact service providers to let them know you are moving, and to arrange for any surveys and meter readings that they may wish to make. If your internet or phone line needs to be disconnected, arrange an appointment to do so.

Start clearing out any belongings you no longer need so that you can either throw them away, sell them, or donate them to charity. Selling things on can be a fun family activity and a good process to help children adapt to a move.

The fortnight before

Contact the Post Office to arrange for your post to be redirected to your new address, if possible, or to a family member or friend at home who is happy to take in your post for you.

Let your dentist and GP, HMRC, the Department of Work and Pensions and the Social Security Office know that you are leaving the country. Contact a plumber and electrician if you need to disconnect services.

If you are packing your belongings yourself, you’ll want to start packing things up around this time. Many international moving companies, Ants Removals included, will be able to provide you with packing materials and storage services to make this process easier.

Start to pull together things you will be travelling with – make sure to include clothes and shoes appropriate to the season at your destination. You should travel with your valuables rather than putting these with the rest of your belongings. Collect keys, screws and so on from any furniture that has been dismantled.

Your moving day ‘eve’

The day before you move, you should think about making tomorrow easier for yourself if you can. Prepare any loose items and make sure any items in drawers are secure and not over-full, if you are leaving them in.

If your international removals company are packing your things for you, they may wish to start in the day or days before your move. Check whether there are any exclusions in the service you’ve chosen – for example, you may need to take down blinds and curtains before the removals team arrive.

The day of your move

Lock all doors and windows to make sure the house is secure. Leave house keys with friends and family or return to the estate agent if you are leaving rented accommodation. Shut off the water and power supply if needed, and take any last minute readings.

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