Ten tips for moving house in hot weather

Moving house is often a stressful and tiring experience, but doing it in a heatwave adds another layer to that challenge! We take a look at some of the best ways to make your moving day less stressful, no matter what the weather throws at you.

1) Get organized and book ahead

You can’t predict the weather, especially in the UK, but either way it will pay to be organized and book a removal service early as summer is a very popular time for people to move house.

2) Set your alarm early

On moving day, do all you can to get up and going early before the heat really kicks in. Try to get an early night before your moving day so you can be up ready and fresh for the big day. If you are using a removal company, book them in as early as possible too so everyone is working before the midday heat really kicks in and morale stays high!

3) Look after yourselves – stay hydrated

It seems like an obvious one, but on moving day when there is so much to do, it is easy to overlook keeping yourself fed and hydrated. Where possible, freeze water bottles overnight so they melt gradually and stay cold, or pack a cool box with ice packs and drinks. It’s important to keep your energy levels up, so make or buy lunch the day before, or if you have friends and family keen to help, give one of them the role of making sure everyone has something to eat throughout the day. It can be easier to stick to when someone forces you to take a five-minute break to eat a sandwich!

4) Keep the kids occupied

Moving house with children can be challenging and a heatwave is more likely to lead to children being irritable. If it’s not possible to have friends or family look after the kids for the day, there are lots of ways you can keep them safely entertained while you carry on moving boxes. Once you arrive, set up either a shaded space in the garden or in a spare room where the kids can play out of the way and remember to keep some of their favorite toys close to hand during the move so they can be found quickly. Once most of your items are in and it’s safe to do so, don’t be afraid to ask your children to get stuck in with unpacking or give them the task of unpacking items for their bedroom if they are old enough; they’ll enjoy the responsibility of it AND it helps you out, winner.

5) Don’t forget your pets!

If moving house with pets, make sure you can quickly set them up an area that is out of the way with food and water so they can stay hydrated and settle in while you are moving everything into your new place. If you have a dog, take them for a walk as early as possible so they’ve had some exercise before the day gets too hot.

6) Try to clear out your fridge and freezer

Where possible, try to run down the bulk of your fresh and frozen food so you’re not worrying about food wastage on moving day. For the real essentials like milk (as us Brits still need a cuppa regardless of the weather!) pack a cool box with ice packs to help keep it fresh throughout the day.

7) Pack an easy-to-grab essentials bag

If you’re moving house in hot weather, all you’ll want is a shower and a fresh set of clothes after a long day. Make sure you pack a bag that’s easy to find which includes your toiletries, a set of fresh clothes and pajamas so that when you’re ready to freshen up and crash out, you can do so quickly.

8) Save your skin with sun cream

It’s an easy one to forget, but if you’re moving house in a heatwave, you’re likely to be outside lots and sunburn is the last thing anyone needs. Make sure you fully apply it in the morning and top up regularly throughout the day as chances are if you get hot and sweaty during the move, it will rub off.

9) Ventilate your new home

Once you have arrived, get as many windows and doors open to get the air flowing and keep the temperature of the house down, especially if your new home has been unoccupied for a while.

10) Be kind to yourself

Most importantly, it doesn’t matter if everything isn’t unpacked and perfect on the first day, week or even month of moving into your new home! It’s a huge task to move house in hot weather and it also takes time to settle in and learn how you use the house. If all you want to do when you get all your boxes in is have a shower, eat a takeaway and give in to a good night’s sleep then don’t beat yourself up; you’ve earned it!

Whatever the weather, if you are looking to move then we can help. Get in touch with our friendly team today.

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